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Spring 2025

Course Sec # Course Title Section Type Instructor Time Location
ASTRON 416-0 1 Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics Lecture Faucher-Giguere
ASTRON 421-0 1 Observational Astrophysics Lecture Miller
ASTRON 451-0 2 High Energy Astrophysics Lecture Tchekhovskoy
PHYSICS 405-1 1 Inclusive Pedagogy, Research Foundations, Curriculum and Instruction in STEM Lecture Goldberg
PHYSICS 412-3 1 Quantum Mechanics Lecture Goswami
PHYSICS 414-2 1 Electrodynamics Lecture Kovachy
PHYSICS 428-3 1 Relativeistic Quantum Field Theory Lecture Carrasco
PHYSICS 432-2 1 Many Body Theory Lecture Chandrasekhar
PHYSICS 442-0 1 Advanced Topics in Particle Physics Lecture Low
PHYSICS 445-2 1 General Relativity Lecture Murchikova
PHYSICS 465-0 1 Advanced Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture Marko

Course descriptions can be found in the Course Catalog. Classroom assignments and instructors may change. Please check CAESAR for the most recent information.

Classroom assignments and instructors may change. Please check CAESAR for the most recent information.