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Winter 2020

Course Titles, Instructor, Time and Room
Course Sec # Course Title Section Type Instructor Time Room
ASTRON 405-0 1 Radio Astronomy Lecture Farhad Zadeh TTh 9:30-10:50am Tech LR5
ASTRON 451-0 1 High Energy Astro Lecture Sasha Tchekhovskoy

M 11:30-1:20 

W 11:30-12:20

M: Tech M166

W: Tech M349 

DATA_SCI 401-1 1 Data-Driven Research in Physics, Geophysics, and Astronomy Lecture Dr. Christopher Berry & Dr. Adam Miller W 12:30PM-2:00PM Annenberg G01
DATA_SCI 422-0 1 Mathematical Inverse Methods in Earth and Environmental Sciences Lecture Suzan van der Lee TTh 11:00-12:20pm Tech F491
PHYSICS 412-2 20 Quantum Mechanics Lecture Gerald Gabrielse MW 10:00-11:20am Parkes Hall 214
PHYSICS 414-1 20 Electrodynamics Lecture JJ Carrasco MWF 9:00AM-9:50AM Tech M177
PHYSICS 414-1 60 Electrodynamics Discussion JJ Carrasco Th 2:00PM-4:00PM Frances Searle 1421
PHYSICS 416-0 20 Introduction to Statistical Mechanics Lecture John Ketterson TTh 9:30AM-10:50AM

T: Tech L211

Th: Tech L150

PHYSICS 422-2 1 Condensed-Matter Physics Lecture Venkat Chandrasekhar TTh 2:00PM-3:20PM Tech LG62
PHYSICS 428-2 20 Quantum Field Theory Lecture de Gouvea MW 12:00PM-1:20PM Tech L158
PHYSICS 435-0 1 Soft Condensed Matter Lecture John Marko TTh 9:30-10:50am Tech L170
PHYSICS 480-0 1 Advanced Topics in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Lecture Andy Geraci MW 1:30-2:50pm Tech M166


Course descriptions can be found in the Course Catalog. Classroom assignments and instructors may change. Please check CAESAR for the most recent information.

Classroom assignments and instructors may change. Please check CAESAR for the most recent information.