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Fall 2019



Course Sec # Course Title Section Type Instructor Time Room
DATA_SCI 421-0 1 Stat Method Physics & Astron Lecture Michael Schmitt TTh 12:30-1:50pm TECH L251
DATA_SCI 423-0 1 Machine Learning: Foundations, Applications, and Algorithms Lecture Aggelos Katsaggelos M 5pm-7:50pm TECH L211
PHYSICS 411-0 20 Classical Mechanics Lecture Sasha Tchekhovskoy MWF 10:00AM-10:50AM FSB 2370
PHYSICS 411-1 20 Math Methods Lecture Frank Petriello MWF 9:00AM-9:50AM TECH L150
PHYSICS 412-1 20 Quantum Mechanics Lecture Brian Odom TTh 9:30AM-11 TECH L150
PHYSICS 421-0 1 Introduction to Superconductivity Lecture John Ketterson TTh 11-12:20pm TECH L158
PHYSICS 422-1 20 Condensed Matter Lecture Venkat Chandrasekhar TTh 2-3:20pm TECH M166
PHYSICS 428-1 1 Quantum Field Theory Lecture Ian Low MW 12-1:20pm TECH M120
PHYSICS 441-0 1 Stat Method Phys & Astron Lecture Michael Schmitt TTh 12:30-1:50pm TECH L251
PHYSICS 470-0 Biological Physics Lecture John Marko MWF 12-1pm

FSB 3220

Course descriptions can be found in the Course Catalog. Classroom assignments and instructors may change. Please check CAESAR for the most recent information.

Classroom assignments and instructors may change. Please check CAESAR for the most recent information.