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Winter 2013

Winter 2013

Classroom assignments and instructors may change. Please check CAESAR for the most recent information.

ASTRON 101-0 20 Cosmology Lecture MWF 2:00-2:50 Tech LR2 Michael Smutko
ASTRON 110-6 20 Freshman Seminar: Black Holes, Neutron Stars, Pulsars and All That Lecture TTh 10:30 - 11:50 Dearborn 23 Melville Ulmer
PHYSICS 103-0 20 Ideas of Physics Lecture TTh 4:00 - 5:20 Tech M177 Chris Jacobsen
PHYSICS 125-2 01 General Physics ISP Lecture MWThF 10:00-10:50 Tech L221 Andre de Gouvea
PHYSICS 130-2 01 College Physics II Lecture MWThF 12:00-12:50 Tech L211 Arthur Schmidt
PHYSICS 130-2 02 College Physics II Lecture MWThF 2:00-2:50 Tech L211 Andy Rivers
PHYSICS 130-2 43 Lab Mon 12-2 Tech MG32 Hao Wu
PHYSICS 130-2 44 Lab Mon 2-4 Tech MG32 Hao Wu
PHYSICS 130-2 45 Lab Mon 4-6 Tech MG32 Hao Wu
PHYSICS 130-2 46 Lab Mon 6-8 Tech MG32 Andrew Zimmerman
PHYSICS 130-2 47 Lab Mon 8-10 pm Tech MG32 Andrew Zimmerman
PHYSICS 130-2 51 Lab Tue 8-10 Tech MG32 Byron Watkins
PHYSICS 130-2 52 Lab Tue 10-12 Tech MG32 Joshua Wiman
PHYSICS 130-2 53 Lab Tue 12-2 Tech MG32 Joshua Wiman
PHYSICS 130-2 54 Lab Tue 2-4 Tech MG32 S. Goswami
PHYSICS 130-2 55 Lab Tue 4-6 Tech MG32 Huanxin Wu
PHYSICS 130-2 56 Lab Tue 6-8 Tech MG32 Huanxin Wu
PHYSICS 130-2 63 Lab Wed 12-2 Tech MG32 Peter Lee
PHYSICS 130-2 64 Lab Wed 2-4 Tech MG32 Peter Lee
PHYSICS 130-2 65 Lab Wed 4-6 Tech MG32 Peter Lee
PHYSICS 130-2 66 Lab Wed 6-8 Tech MG32 Bo Fu
PHYSICS 130-2 67 Lab Wed 8-10 pm Tech MG32 Bo Fu
PHYSICS 130-2 71 Lab Thu 8-10 Tech MG32 Byron Watkins
PHYSICS 130-2 72 Lab Thu 10-12 Tech MG32 Joshua Wiman
PHYSICS 130-2 73 Lab Thu 12-2 Tech MG32 S. Goswami
PHYSICS 130-2 74 Lab Thu 2-4 Tech MG32 S. Goswami
PHYSICS 130-2 75 Lab Thu 4-6 Tech MG32 Bo Fu
PHYSICS 130-2 76 Lab Thu 6-8 Tech MG32 Andrew Zimmerman
PHYSICS 130-2 77 Lab Thu 8-10 Tech MG32 Huanxin Wu
PHYSICS 135-2 01 General Physics II Lecture MWThF 9:00-9:50 Tech L211 Deborah Brown
PHYSICS 135-2 02 General Physics II Lecture MWThF 11:00-11:50 Tech L211 Deborah Brown
PHYSICS 135-2 43 Lab Mon 12-2 Tech MG32 Hao Wu
PHYSICS 135-2 44 Lab Mon 2-4 Tech MG32 Hao Wu
PHYSICS 135-2 45 Lab Mon 4-6 Tech MG32 Hao Wu
PHYSICS 135-2 46 Lab Mon 6-8 Tech MG32 Andrew Zimmerman
PHYSICS 135-2 47 Lab Mon 8-10 pm Tech MG32 Andrew Zimmerman
PHYSICS 135-2 51 Lab Tue 8-10 Tech MG32 Byron Watkins
PHYSICS 135-2 52 Lab Tue 10-12 Tech MG32 Joshua Wiman
PHYSICS 135-2 53 Lab Tue 12-2 Tech MG32 Joshua Wiman
PHYSICS 135-2 54 Lab Tue 2-4 Tech MG32 S. Goswami
PHYSICS 135-2 55 Lab Tue 4-6 Tech MG32 Huanxin Wu
PHYSICS 135-2 56 Lab Tue 6-8 Tech MG32 Huanxin Wu
PHYSICS 135-2 63 Lab Wed 12-2 Tech MG32 Peter Lee
PHYSICS 135-2 64 Lab Wed 2-4 Tech MG32 Peter Lee
PHYSICS 135-2 65 Lab Wed 4-6 Tech MG32 Peter Lee
PHYSICS 135-2 66 Lab Wed 6-8 Tech MG32 Bo Fu
PHYSICS 135-2 67 Lab Wed 8-10 pm Tech MG32 Bo Fu
PHYSICS 135-2 71 Lab Thu 8-10 Tech MG32 Byron Watkins
PHYSICS 135-2 72 Lab Thu 10-12 Tech MG32 Joshua Wiman
PHYSICS 135-2 73 Lab Thu 12-2 Tech MG32 S. Goswami
PHYSICS 135-2 74 Lab Thu 2-4 Tech MG32 S. Goswami
PHYSICS 135-2 75 Lab Thu 4-6 Tech MG32 Bo Fu
PHYSICS 135-2 76 Lab Thu 6-8 Tech MG32 Andrew Zimmerman
PHYSICS 135-2 77 Lab Thu 8-10 Tech MG32 Huanxin Wu
PHYSICS 135-3 01 General Physics III Lecture MWThF 10:00-10:50 Tech L211 David Taylor
PHYSICS 135-3 02 General Physics III Lecture MWThF 1:00-1:50 Tech L211 David Taylor
PHYSICS 135-3 44 Lab Mon2-4 Tech MG35 Matthew Rickert
PHYSICS 135-3 45 Lab Mon 4-6 Tech MG35 Matthew Rickert
PHYSICS 135-3 54 Lab Tue 2-4 Tech MG35 Andy Li
PHYSICS 135-3 55 Lab Tue 4-6 Tech MG35 Andy Li
PHYSICS 135-3 64 Lab Wed2-4 Tech MG35 Varada Bal
PHYSICS 135-3 65 Lab Wed 4-6 Tech MG35 Varada Bal
PHYSICS 135-3 66 Lab Thu 2-4 Tech MG35 Christfried Focke
PHYSICS 135-3 67 Lab Thu 4-6 Tech MG35 Christfried Focke
PHYSICS 330-2 20 Classical Mechanics Lecture MWF 11:00-11:50 TechA110 William Halperin
PHYSICS 330-2 21 Disc M 3:00-3:50 Lunt 107 William Halperin
PHYSICS 333-1 20 Advanced Electricity and Magnetism Lecture MWF 9:00-9:50 Tech M349 Anupam Garg
PHYSICS 333-1 21 Disc M 4:00-5:50 Kresge 4435 Anupam Garg
PHYSICS 339-1 20 Quantum Mechanics Lecture MWF 10:00-10:50 Tech L251 Adilson Motter
PHYSICS 339-1 21 Disc W 2:00 Tech F160 Adilson Motter
PHYSICS 357-0 20 Optics Lab Lab TTh 9:30-12:50 Tech F242 Nathaniel Stern
PHYSICS 412-2 20 Quantum Mechanics Lecture MWF 10:00-10:50 Tech L160 John Ketterson
PHYSICS 414-1 20 Electrodynamics Lecture MWF 9:00-9:50 Tech LG76 Michael Schmitt
PHYSICS 416-0 20 Introduction to Statistical Mechanics Lecture MWF 11:00-11:50 Tech L221 Pulak Dutta
PHYSICS 422-2 20 Condensed-Matter Physics Lecture TTh 11:00-12:20 Tech M349 Venkat Chandrasekhar
PHYSICS 423-0 20 Nuclear Physics Lecture TTh 12:30-1:50 Elder 32 Kamal Seth
PHYSICS 428-2 20 Quantum Field Theory Lecture MTh 12:30-2:00 Tech M166 Frank Petriello
PHYSICS 432-2 20 Many Body Theory Lecture MW 9:30 - 11:00 Tech F160 Jim Sauls
PHYSICS 450-0 20 Special Topics Lecture TTh 9:30-10:50 Tech M349 Jens Koch