Prof. Jens Koch was awarded a CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation in September of 2011.
His research will be on "Quantum Phases and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Photons". The primary goal of the research funded by the award is to address the challenge of developing needed tools for the quantitative understanding and prediction of strongly interacting photon states and their properties.
Prof. Koch was also featured in Science in Society, where he explains some of the results and applications of quantum mechanics for Science in Society:
"The impact of quantum physics has been enormous: not only is it the prime common factor in nearly all physics Nobel Prizes awarded in the past one-hundred years, but it has also been a crucial driving force in technological advances ranging from lasers and superconductors to medical imaging like MRIs. Indeed, imagining a world in which quantum physics had never been discovered would amount to eliminating a lot of the technology we take for granted each and every day."
Read the full story here.