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2011 News


The American Physical Society has elected Prof. Chris Jacobsen as a Fellow.

November 17, 2011

The American Physical Society has elected Prof. Chris Jacobsen as a Fellow. The society limits the number of fellows to one half of one percent of the society's membership.

The APS council cited his “seminal contributions to x-ray microscopy” when they elected him in November, 2011.

Full Story from Argonne National Lab here.


The Northwestern Research Newsletter's November featured an article on Prof. William Halperin's liquid nitrogen and helium facility.

October 12, 2011

The Northwestern Research Newsletter's November issue featured an article on Prof. William Halperin's liquid nitrogen and helium facility. The facility supplies twenty to thirty labs at any given time, as well as the Tech renovation project.



Prof. Jens Koch  was awarded a CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation in September of 2011. 

September 13, 2011

Prof. Jens Koch  was awarded a CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation in September of 2011. 

His research will be on "Quantum Phases and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Photons".  The primary goal of the research funded by the award is to address the challenge of developing needed tools for the quantitative understanding and prediction of strongly interacting photon states and their properties.

Prof. Koch was also featured in Science in Society, where he explains some of the results and applications of quantum mechanics for Science in Society:

"The impact of quantum physics has been enormous: not only is it the prime common factor in nearly all physics Nobel Prizes awarded in the past one-hundred years, but it has also been a crucial driving force in technological advances ranging from lasers and superconductors to medical imaging like MRIs. Indeed, imagining a world in which quantum physics had never been discovered would amount to eliminating a lot of the technology we take for granted each and every day."

Read the full story here.


Prof. William Halperin featured in Science in Society (SiS)

August 11, 2011
Prof. William Halperin, physics Professor and past ISEN-award recipient, was featured in Science in Society (SiS) on August 9 for the research he is doing in the properties and potential of superconductors. Read the full story in Science in Society.


An article written by Prof. Prem Kumar and Prof. Joseph Altepeter of the Electrical Engineering department, was selected as one of the "Highlights of 2011" by the New Journal of Physics.

July 14, 2011

"All-optical switching of photonic entanglement," an article written by Prof. Prem Kumar and Prof. Joseph Altepeter of the Electrical Engineering department, was selected as one of the "Highlights of 2011" by the New Journal of Physics. The paper was downloaded 500 times in the first 15 days of publication, a record for the NJP.

Read more about the New Journal of Physics Highlights collection here, or find "All-optical switching of photonic entanglement" here.

 Prof. Kristian Hahn will take Quest into the classroom

July 4, 2011

Starting this spring, Prof. Kristian Hahn will take Quest into the classroom by requiring the students in his undergraduate Computational Physics class to use it in their coursework. Hahn believes his students will take this experience out of the classroom and use it to further their career goals after graduation. He told the NUIT newsletter that, “Most will need to reference this experience when seeking employment in their field after graduation, and it’s important to have this type of computational experience when applying for graduate school.”


Northwestern's High Performance Computing system, Quest, has been supporting research across the university for nearly three years. 

March 17, 2011

Northwestern's High Performance Computing system, Quest, has been supporting research across the university for nearly three years.  Prof. Vicky Kalogera has been working closely with Quest as they continue to expand their capabilities.