Fall 2017
Course | Section # | Course Title | Section Type | Time | Instructor | Room |
Astron 329/429-0 |
1 |
Extragalactic Astrophysics and Cosmology |
Lecture |
TuTh 9:30AM-10:50AM |
Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere |
Frances Searle 3220 |
Physics 411-0 |
20 |
Classical Mechanics |
Lecture |
MWF 12:00-12:50 PM |
Yoram Lithwick |
Tech L170 |
Physics 411-1 |
20 |
Methods of Theoretical Physics |
Lecture |
MWF 11:00AM-11:50AM |
Andre De Gouvea |
Tech F281 |
Physics 412-1 |
20 |
Quantum Mechanics |
Lecture |
MWF 10:00AM-10:50AM |
Brian Odom |
Tech M120 |
Physics 421-0 |
20 |
Introduction to Superconductivity |
Lecture |
TuTh 11:00AM-12:20PM |
James Sauls |
Tech LG72 |
Physics 422-1 |
20 |
Condensed-Matter Physics |
Lecture |
TuTh 9:30AM-10:50AM |
Nathaniel Stern |
Tech L168 |
Physics 428-1 |
1 |
Quantum Field Theory |
Lecture |
MF 12:00PM-1:20PM |
Frank Petriello |
Tech L158 |
Physics 441-0 Data_Sci 421-0 |
1 |
Statistical Methods for Physicists and Astronomers |
Lecture |
TTh 12:30-1:50 PM |
Michael Schmitt |
Frances Searle 2370 |
Physics 470 IBIS 410 |
1 |
Quantitative Biology |
Lecture |
MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM |
John Marko |
Annenberg Hall G21 |
Data_Sci 401-1 |
Data-Driven Research |
Lecture |
Th 2:00PM-3:20PM |
Vicky Kalogera |
Tech L160 |