Radio Astronomy Seminar
A large number of small and large sensitive experiments using radio telescopes have recently begun to study a range of astrophysical topics on the origin of planets to the physical conditions of the expanding universe. With the generous support of the late George Heilborn, the Department of Physics and Astronomy hosts the Frontiers of Experimental Radio Astronomy lecture series to learn about these new and remarkable advances that are being made in radio astronomy.
This is an exciting time in radio and submillimeter Astronomy, opening new windows to probe the evolved and infant universe at low frequencies. Our speakers will give overviews of new techniques and science highlights using observatories such as ALMA, Arecibo, JVLA, LOFAR and Green Bank and south pole telescopes. These lectures emphasize the power of interferometry and innovative observational/experimental tools used in probing the invisible universe.
See the Series Calendar for the dates and descriptions of talks in this year’s series.
The Radio Astronomy Seminar Series is made possible through the generous support of The Heilborn Family.
We also thank the Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences, the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics, and the Department of Physics & Astronomy.