PhD Students

Eduardo Alejandro
PhD Student
Phone number: 847-467-6588
Office location: Mudd 1173
Group: Geraci Group
Research Statement: Using cold atoms to sympathetically cool a single nanosphere down to it's vibrational ground-state

Dany Atallah
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8025
Group: Rasio Group
Research Statement: The dynamical capacity and stability of black hole hierarchies formed in globular clusters beyond triples

Saptarshi Biswas
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 24
Group: Goswami Group

Olivia Meredith Bitter
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F418
Group: de Gouvea Group
Research Statement: My research interests span the field of neutrino phenomenology. Currently my projects include exploring time invariance violation effects in matter with applications to the future DUNE experiment, as well as looking into pseudo-Dirac neutrinos through sterile neutrino extensions.

Nia Burrell
PhD Student
Office location: Mudd 1185
Group: Geraci Group
Research Statement: Precision measurements and investigation of non-Newtonian short-range gravity using optically levitating nanoparticles.

Daniel Buser
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F321
Group: Motter Group
Research Statement: The study of links between synchronization and entanglement in coupled spin networks.

Ran Chen
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F140
Group: Figueroa-Feliciano Group
Research Statement: Developing a sensitive detector to measure the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS)

Danyang Chen
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F225
Group: Koch Group
Research Statement: Characterizing quantum error correction schemes and developing high fidelity qubit operations on superconducting circuits

Sai Pavan Chitta
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F229
Group: Koch Group
Research Statement: Simulation and design of protected superconducting qubits

Yanpei Deng
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 22
Group: Chandrasekhar Group

Ken DeRose
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 5
Group: Kovachy Group
Research Statement: Testing Einstein's equivalence principle, the gravitational inverse square law, and searching for forces beyond the Standard Model using atom interferometry

Collin Diver
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 22
Group: Gabrielse Group

Vic (Yuxin) Dong
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8037D
Group: Fong Group
Research Statement: Multiwavelength follow-up observations of Fast Radio Bursts to uncover the origin of their progenitor system(s)

William Eom
PhD Student
Phone number: 847-467-6588
Office location: Mudd 1173
Group: Geraci Group
Research Statement: Preparing ground-state cooled, optically levitated nanospheres for precision force sensing of Casimir forces and Yukawa-type corrections to gravity

Joshua Fuhrman
PhD Student- Graduated 24-25 school year
Phone number: 847-467-6852
Office location: Tech F140
Group: Figueroa-Feliciano Group
Research Statement: Supernova remnant study and dark matter search with Micro-X, a NASA Sounding Rocket program flying Transition-Edge Sensors and their SQUID readout system

Ethan Garvey
PhD Student
Office location: Mudd 1177
Group: Stern Group
Research Statement: Optical experiments for understanding the properties of novel low dimensional magnetic materials and devices

S. Carin Gavin
PhD Student- Graduated 24-25 school year
Phone number: 847-467-3976
Office location: Mudd 1177
Group: Stern Group
Research Statement: Optical and spin properties of mixed-dimensional heterostructures

Jonah Glick
PhD Student
Office location: Mudd 1164
Group: Kovachy Group
Research Statement: Development of atom interferometry techniques for precision gravitational measurements, tests of quantum mechanics, and searches for dark matter

Elena González Prieto
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8038C
Group: Rasio Group
Research Statement: Dynamical evolution of dense stellar environments and the formation of compact objects

Alexa Gordon
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8032B
Group: Fong Group
Research Statement: Spectral energy distribution modeling of fast radio burst (FRB) host galaxies to constrain FRB progenitor models

Jorin Graham
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F324
Group: Motter Group
Research Statement: Spreading processes on complex networks; network science and machine learning for cell biology

Scott Grudichak
PhD Student
Phone number: 847-491-5468
Office location: Tech F213
Group: Geraci Group
Research Statement: Fabrication and characterization of thin film type 2 superconductors, patterned with anti-dot arrays

Saarah Hall
PhD Student
GEM Associate Fellow 2022-2023
Office location: 1800 Sherman #7433
Research Statement: I study time-domain astronomy with wide-field surveys like the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). I'm interested in utilizing ZTF data to evaluate the volumetric rate of rare transients.

Andra Ionescu
PhD Student
Phone number: 847-467-9117
Office location: Mudd 1195
Group: Gabrielse Group
Research Statement: A search for ultralight dark matter via differential strain measurement of two optical cavities

Danat Issa
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8033
Group: Tchekovskoy Group
Research Statement: Simulations of neutron star mergers and their electromagnetic counterparts

Jeremy (Kefeng) Jiang
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 24
Group: Kovachy Group

Cole Kampa
PhD Student
Phone number: 847-467-2477
Office location: Tech F127
Group: Schmitt Group
Research Statement: Modeling Mu2e experiment's magnetic field. Developing robust statistical analyses for particle physics experiments. Muon capture neutron emission analysis for the AlCap experiment

Emma Kaufman
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8030A
Group: Lecoanet Group
Research Statement: Simulations of magnetic waves in stellar interiors

Kyle Kennard
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 22
Group: Figueroa-Feliciano Group

Taeyoon Kim
PhD Student
Office location: Fermilab TD ICB
Group: Koch Group
Research Statement: Experimental research of quantum information processing with superconducting qubits and high-Q 3D cavities

Savannah King
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F122
Group: Velasco Group

Fulya Kiroglu
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8031
Group: Rasio Group
Research Statement: Dynamics and evolution of black holes through close encounters in dense star clusters.

Shelby Klomp
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F146
Group: Geraci Group
Research Statement: Detection of high-frequency gravitational waves using optically levitated dielectric particles

Nathalie Korhonen Cuestas
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8048D
Group: Strom Group
Research Statement: Characterising the relationships between galactic mass, metallicity, and star formation rate at cosmic noon to better understand the chemical evolution of the universe.

Boran Kuzhan
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 21
Group: Kamal Group

Aakash Lakshmanan
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 5
Group: Kamal Group
Research Statement: Development of theoretical tools to understand topological phases

Aretaios Lalakos
PhD Student- Graduated 24-25 school year
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8033
Group: Tchekovskoy Group
Research Statement: The role of magnetic field configuration on black hole accretion and radiation signatures from the interaction of outflows with the ambient medium

Yanlin Li
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F265
Group: Dutta Group
Research Statement: Specific ion effect on surfactant molecules at aqueous interface

Zhi-zhong Li
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F416
Group: Low Group
Research Statement: Spontaneously broken spacetime symmetries

Camille Liotine
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8038F
Group: Kalogera Group
Research Statement: The evolution of binary star systems, in particular the populations of stellar binaries that result in double compact object mergers that are detectable with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)

Siyuan Liu
PhD Student- Graduated 24-25 school year
Phone number: 847-467-9117
Office location: Mudd 1195
Group: Gabrielse Group
Research Statement: Search for electron Electric Dipole Moment through the ACME experiment

Qiaofeng Liu
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F420
Group: Low Group
Research Statement: Entanglement in quantum field theory; quantum simulation of fundamental physics

Chang Liu
PhD Student
Miller Group
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8034C
Research Statement: Probing the progenitor properties of supernovae with multi-band observations

Beverly Lowell
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8029
Group: Tchekovskoy Group
Research Statement: Dynamically important magnetic fields and black hole spin-down

Leone Luzzatto
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F332
Group: Kovács Group

Michael MacKenzie
PhD Student- Graduated 24-25 school year
Office location: Tech F122
Group: Velasco Group
Research Statement: Experimental particle physics research on charged-lepton flavor-violating processes at Mu2e and CMS

Austin Marga
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F226
Group: Chandrasekhar Group
Research Statement: Low temperature fabrication and measurement of superconducting electron interference devices

Miguel Martinez
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8036A
Group: Rasio Group
Research Statement: Dynamics across a wide range of astrophysical regimes, from exoplanets and exomoons to massive star clusters

Nathaniel McDonough
PhD Student
Phone number: 847-467-9116
Office location: Mudd 1195
Group: Gabrielse Group
Research Statement: Laser cooling and precision spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen

Michael McGinnis
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F127
Group: Hahn Group
Research Statement: Constraints on di-Higgs production and EFT interpretation with the CMS experiment; data acquisition systems and online track-fitting for CMS and MUonE.

Thomas McKenzie-Smith
PhD Student
Phone number: 610-551-3138
Office location: Tech F318
Group: Motter Group
Research Statement: Applications of machine learning and networks to the design of complex systems.

Jacob McLaughlin
PhD Student
Phone number: 847-467-3752
Office location: Tech F140
Research Statement: Characterization of novel backgrounds in large scale xenon-based dark matter detectors and improving their sensitivity to low mass WIMP signals

Yulun Miao
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F127
Group: Schmitt Group
Research Statement: Searching for three massive gauge boson production at CMS

Nicholas Miller
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 5
Group: Kovachy Group
Research Statement: Searching for ultralight scalar field dark matter through differential strain measurements of cryogenic optical cavities

Serena Moseley
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8032D
Group: Kalogera Group

Thomas Glenn Myers
PhD Student
Phone number: 847-467-9116
Office location: Mudd 1195
Group: Gabrielse Group
Research Statement: A measurement of the electron and positron magnetic moments with greatly improved precision

Geev Nahal
PhD Student
Phone number: 847-467-9116
Office location: Mudd 1195
Group: Sauls Group
Research Statement: A measurement of the electron and positron magnetic moments

Buduka Ogonor
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F318
Group: Motter Group

Nick Omahen
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8027
Group: Tchekovskoy Group
Research Statement: I study the assembly and evolution of accretion disks and their outflows in a wide variety of black hole feeding scenarios

Daehan Park
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 9D
Group: Halperin Group

Greg R. M. da Silva
PhD Student
Office location: Tech M316
Group: Shahriar Group
Research Statement: Experimental and computational investigations of squeezed quantum states with large atomic ensembles

Teresita Ramirez Aguilar
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8038E
Group: Tchekovskoy Group

Jillian Rastinejad
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8027
Group: Fong Group
Research Statement: Observation of the astronomical explosions created by merging neutron stars, kilonovae, from both the short gamma-ray burst and gravitational wave perspective

Grace Reesman
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 22
Group: de Gouvea Group

Nabeel Rehemtulla
PhD Student
Group: Miller group
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8038B
Research Statement: Building machine learning models to learn about and classify sources detected by the Zwicky Transient Facility

Jonathan Roberts
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8044B
Group: Larson Group

Kyle Akira Rocha
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8035
Group: Kalogera Group
Research Statement: Machine learning and the evolution of binary stars and compact objects

Alejandro Rodriguez
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 5
Group: Figueroa-Feliciano Group

Kevin Ryan
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F220
Group: Chandrasekhar Group
Research Statement: Fabrication and cryogenic magnetotransport of 2D and thin film devices exploring multiferroics, superconductors and related phenomena

Jennifer Sanchez
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8032A
Group: Kalogera Group

Sharika Saraf
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 21
Group: Kovachy Group

John Scott
PhD Student
Phone number: 847-491-8616
Office location: Tech F226
Group: Halperin Group
Research Statement: Nuclear magnetic resonance study of properties and phases of Helium 3 in aerogel at ultra-low temperatures

Aslan Seifi
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F416
Group: Carrasco Group
Research Statement: Scattering Amplitudes, Color-Kinematics duality

Charlotte (Yanxuan) Shao
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F324
Group: Motter Group
Research Statement: Spontaneous oscillations and more complex dynamics in microfluidic networks

Zhiheng Sheng
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F140
Research Statement: Data acquisition in scintillating LAr bubble chamber (SBC) for direct dark matter detection

Kagan Simsek
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F420
Group: Petriello Group
Research Statement: Precision QCD in the Standard Model effective field theory

Zehao Song
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 15
Group: de la Cruz Group
Research Statement: Coarse-grained modeling of the dynamics of driven polyelectrolyte solutions with charge confinement

Kierstin Sorensen
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman, 7417

Lillian Soucy
PhD Student
Office location: Mudd 1195
Group: Gabrielse Group
Research Statement: Improved precision measurements of the electron and positron magnetic moments

Jacob Sprague
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8034A
Group: Larson Group
Research Statement: Novel GW sources in conjunction with the levitated-sensor GW detector

Benedict Sukra
PhD Student
Phone number: 847-467-9116
Office location: Mudd 1195
Group: Gabrielse Group
Research Statement: Improved measurements of the electron and positron magnetic moments

Imran Sultan
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8032C
Group: Faucher-Giguere Group
Research Statement: Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of massive galaxy formation

Elizabeth Teng
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #7421
Group: Kalogera Group
Research Statement: Using machine learning to accelerate simulations of binary star and compact object populations

Asad Ukani
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman, #7431
Group: Murchikova Group

Sarvesh Upadhyay
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F224
Group: Goswami Group

Samvardhan Vishnoi
PhD Student
Group: Amaral group
Office location: Dearborn
Research Statement: Link prediction methods in complex networks

Caroline von Raesfeld
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 9D

Aaron (Zhiyuan) Wang
PhD Student
Office location: Mudd 1156
Group: Geraci Group
Research Statement: Detecting high-frequency gravitational waves with optically levitated micro-sensors

Jinglu Wang
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 5
Group: Schmitt Group

Hailin Wang
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8046C
Group: Novak Group

Maya Watts
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn 5
Group: Gabrielse Group

Nycole Wenner
PhD Student
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8034D
Group: Zadeh Group

Max Wisne
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F220
Group: Chandrasekhar Group
Research Statement: Measuring nonlocal transport in superconducting mesoscopic devices

Suna Zekioglu
PhD Student- Graduated 24-25 school year
Office location: Tech F418
Group: Carrasco Group
Research Statement: Investigations of hidden structure connecting scattering amplitudes in gauge theory and gravity

Gan Zhai
PhD Student
Office location: Dearborn
Group: Halperin Group
Research Statement: NMR research on novel superconducting compounds

Rachel Zhang
PhD Student
Rasio Group
Office location: 1800 Sherman #8038A
Group: Rasio Group
Research Statement: Formation and evolution of radio pulsars and magnetars

Yi Zhao
PhD Student
Office location: Tech F318
Group: Motter Group
Research Statement: Genetic network dynamics and complex systems modeling

Angela (Chunxi) Zhou
PhD Student
Office location: Mudd Library
Group: Stern Group