Silvia Zorzetti
Adjunct Associate Professor/Joint with Fermi National Laboratory

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- 630-840-4137
Silvia Zorzetti leads the Co-Design and Quantum Communication Department at Fermilab and the Quantum Information Science (QIS) Ecosystem Thrust within the Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems (SQMS) Research Center. Dr. Zorzetti completed her graduate studies at the University of Pisa and held a Marie Curie Fellowship at CERN.
In 2017, Dr. Zorzetti joined Fermilab as a Bardeen Fellow, and in 2023, she was awarded the DOE Early Career Award for her research in quantum transduction. She actively mentors several students and interns at SQMS and holds an adjunct professorship at Northwestern University.
Dr. Zorzetti’s research interests span various topics in quantum information science and accelerator technology, including superconducting cavities, quantum computing and sensing devices, single-photon-level microwave-optical quantum transduction, and software-hardware interfaces for quantum computing applications.
Selected Publications
- You, X., Lu, Y., Kim, T., Kurkcuoglu, D. X. A. M., Zhu, S., van Zanten, D., ... & Zorzetti, S. (2024). Crosstalk-robust quantum control in multimode bosonic systems. Physical Review Applied, 22(4), 044072.
- Bauer, C. W., Davoudi, Z., Balantekin, A. B., Bhattacharya, T., Carena, M., De Jong, W. A., ... & Zorzetti, S. (2023). Quantum simulation for high-energy physics. PRX quantum, 4(2), 027001.
- Zorzetti, S., Wang, C., Gonin, I., Kazakov, S., Khabiboulline, T., Romanenko, A., ... & Grassellino, A. (2023). Millikelvin measurements of permittivity and loss tangent of lithium niobate. Physical Review B, 107(22), L220302.
- Wang, C., Gonin, I., Grassellino, A., Kazakov, S., Romanenko, A., Yakovlev, V. P., & Zorzetti, S. (2022). High-efficiency microwave-optical quantum transduction based on a cavity electro-optic superconducting system with long coherence time. npj Quantum Information, 8(1), 149.
- Stefanazzi, L., Treptow, K., Wilcer, N., Stoughton, C., Bradford, C., Uemura, S., ... & Schuster, D. I. (2022). The QICK (Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit): Readout and control for qubits and detectors. Review of Scientific Instruments, 93(4).
- Romanenko, A., Pilipenko, R., Zorzetti, S., Frolov, D., Awida, M., Belomestnykh, S., ... & Grassellino, A. (2020). Three-dimensional superconducting resonators at T< 20 mK with photon lifetimes up to τ= 2 s. Physical Review Applied, 13(3), 034032.
- Caiazza, D., Catalan Lasheras, N., Mainaud Durand, H., Modena, M., Sanz, C., Tshilumba, D., ... & Zorzetti, S. (2017). New solution for the high accuracy alignment of accelerator components. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 20(8), 083501.