David Meyer
Professor Emeritus

- davemeyer@northwestern.edu
- Website
- 847-491-4516
- 1800 Sherman #8011
Dave Meyer’s research specialty is applying high signal-to-noise spectroscopy to the study of cosmology, galactic evolution, and the interstellar medium (ISM). Meyer is conducting sensitive measurements of the interstellar and extragalactic absorption lines in the spectra of stars and quasars. Such measurements provide important information about the composition, chemistry, kinematics, and physical conditions of intervening gas clouds in the Milky Way and other galaxies. Through HST, FUSE, and KPNO observations of interstellar absorption lines toward high-velocity stars, binary stars, open star clusters, globular star clusters, and galaxies, Meyer is also investigating the physical conditions and geometries of small-scale structures in a wide variety of diffuse clouds.
Awards and Honors
- Martin J. and Patricia Koldyke Outstanding Teaching Professor
Selected Publications
- D. M. Meyer, J. T. Lauroesch, C. Heiles, et al.
A Cold Nearby Cloud Inside the Local Bubble
Astrophysical Journal 650, L67 (2006) - D. C. Knauth, D. M. Meyer, and J. T. Lauroesch
The Interstellar N/O Abundance Ratio: Evidence for Local Infall?
Astrophysical Journal 647, L115 (2006) - S. I. B. Cartledge, J. T. Lauroesch, D. M. Meyer, et al.
The Homogeneity of Interstellar Elemental Abundances in the Galactic Disk
Astrophysical Journal 641, 327 (2006) - S. I. B. Cartledge, J. T. Lauroesch, D. M. Meyer, et al.
The Homogeneity of Interstellar Oxygen in the Galactic Disk
Astrophysical Journal 613, 1037 (2004) - U. J. Sofia, J. T. Lauroesch, D. M. Meyer, et al.
Interstellar Carbon in Translucent Sight Lines
Astrophysical Journal 605, 272 (2004)