John Ketterson
Fayerweather Professor / Joint with Electrical Engineering

- Website
- 847-491-5468
- Tech F243
Professor Ketterson currently studies the magnetic and superconducting properties, both static and dynamic, of bulk materials and patterned nanostructures, particularly those associated with collective quantum behavior. He also studies various linear and non-linear optical phenomena with special emphasis on those associated with excitons and plasmons in bulk materials as well as thin films and various nanostructured forms. He is Director of the Magnetic and Physical Properties Measurement Facility, a non-profit laboratory that provides highly accurate measurements of magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, microwave absorption, thermal transport, and other properties to researchers in physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, and geology.
Magnetic and Physical Properties Measurement Facility
Honors and Awards
- Fellow, American Physical Society
- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Selected Publications
- K. Rivkin and J. B. Ketterson
Magnetization Reversal In The Anisotropy-Dominated Regime Using Time-Dependent Magnetic Fields
Applied Physics Letters 89, 252507 (2006) - J. I. Jang, Y. Sun, B. Watkins, et al.
Bound Excitons in Cu2O: Efficient Internal Free Exciton Detector
Physical Review B74, 235204 (2006) - S. E. Shafranjuk and J. B. Ketterson
Josephson Plasmon Versus Amplitude Modes In A Superconducting Tunnel Junction
Physical Review B74, 172501 (2006) - J. J. Lee, M. Y. Kim, Y. Cui, et al.
Room Temperature Ferromagnetism Of Ge/MnAs Digital Alloys
Journal Of Superconductivity 18, 75 (2005) - Z. G. Yin, H. T. Zhang, D. M. Goodner, et al.
Two-Dimensional Growth of Continuous Cu2O Thin Films By Magnetron Sputtering
Applied Physics Letters 86, 061901 (2005)