Gerald Gabrielse
Board of Trustees Professor in Physics/ Director of CFP

- Website
- 847-467-7370
- Tech F131
Professor Gabrielse’s group uses methods of quantum science to carry out some of the most precise tests of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and some of the most sensitive searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. The ACME search for the electric dipole moment of the electron takes place in the Gabrielse lab, as does the most accurate measurement of a property of an elementary particle, the test of the Standard Model's most precise prediction, and novel searches for dark matter. One trapped particle, molecular beams, ulta low temperatures, and many lasers are employed. Professor Gabrielse is the director of the Center for Fundamental Physics at Low Energy (CFP). |
Awards and Honors
- Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences (2007 - )
- Member, US American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2019 - )
- Norman F. Ramsey Prize of the American Physical Society (2024)
- Trotter Prize, Texas A&M University (2013)
- Julius Lilienfeld Prize of the American Physical Society (2011)
- Premio Caterina Tomassoni and Felice Pietro Chisesi Prize, Italy (2008)
- Alexander von Humboldt Research Award, Germany (2005)
- George Ledlie Prize for exceptional research, Harvard University (2004)
- Davisson Germer Prize of the American Physical Society (2002)
- Levenson Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Education, Harvard University (2000)
- Fellow, American Physical Society (1992 - )
Professor Gabrielse's assistant is Laura Nevins, 847-467-6678,