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Congratulations to P&A Award Winners

July 21, 2023

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2022-23 Undergraduate Departmental Awards in Physics and Astronomy which were announced at our annual Majors Dinner last night, June 1 at Five and Dime. Please join us in congratulating the following students:

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Garrett Louie - Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Research in Physics & Astronomy

Carly Galvin -  Career Award in Physics & Astronomy

Nia Robles del Pino- Junior Career Award in Physics and Astronomy

Will Engedal- Physics and Astronomy Scholar

Chana Lyubich - Physics and Astronomy Scholar

Sherry Wang - Physics and Astronomy Scholar

Anastasia Wei - Physics and Astronomy Scholar


We would also like to recognize students who have received Departmental Honors on behalf of the Weinberg College Committee on Undergraduate Academic Excellence:

Gabriel Augustynowicz

Carly Galvin

Garrett Louie

Ari Sloss


Additionally, we’d like to congratulate our outstanding TA award winners:

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Ann (Yian) Xu- Outstanding Lab TA

Joshua Fuhrman- Outstanding Lab TA

Eduardo Alejandro- Outstanding Discussion TA


Congratulations to all of our students on their fantastic achievements this year!