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Dearborn Observatory

Tours of the Dearborn Observatory are free and open to the public and are held every Friday night, unless otherwise specified. The first hour of tours is reservation-only. The second hour is open to all without a reservation.

March and April reserved tours are at capacity,  please consider joining us for a walk-in tour on Fridays at 10:00 PM. Please sign up for the waitlist

 May and June tours are now open! 

Spring/Summer Hours (April -September):

Fall/Winter Hours (October -March):

There is no fee for the Friday night observation hour, however, if you make a reservation for a group of 10 or more we require a refundable deposit which will be returned to you on the night of your visit. If you have questions or need information about viewing, please email Adrienne Mintz

In addition to our free Friday night observing sessions, private viewing sessions for groups of up to 20 people can be arranged on other nights of the week (for a fee).  Please email Adrienne Mintz for more information.

Please be advised that the dome does not have heat or air conditioning so please dress appropriately. Friday night tours are held "rain or shine," although of course cloud cover affects viewing. Tours are hosted by Ph.D. students and/or undergraduate students majoring in Physics & Astronomy. Visitors are encouraged to ask questions.

Unfortunately, the Dearborn Observatory is NOT ADA-accessible. Several staircases must be climbed in order to reach the telescope.

Dearborn Observatory Address:
2131 Tech Drive
Evanston IL, 60208

CIERA Astronomer Evenings

CIERA Astronomer Evenings are special programs that take place on the last Friday of the month at the observatory. Meet astronomers from Northwestern’s Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics. Different experts host each month and are available to answer your astronomy questions. The evenings include a 10-minute introduction to a topic, followed by an open Q&A session and interactive demonstrations. Stop by any time during the two-hour public observing window. Children are welcome. The talks are free and open to all. No reservation is needed.